About Simplified Wealth

Simplified Wealth is a financial planning firm that provides customized solutions for client's unique financial needs. Our approach focuses on building strong relationships with clients and taking a hands-on approach to problem-solving.

We aim to make a difference in people's lives by providing authentic and comprehensive financial solutions.

Founder Story - Meet Andrew Lippert

Hi, I'm Andrew Lippert, founder of Simplified Wealth. Let me get straight to the point by answering one question. Why would someone quit a cushy six-figure job with a newborn baby, a wife, 2 dogs, and a mortgage? Simple. For you, for AJ (my son), and for my soul.

After a decade in the financial planning industry, I realized that too many "advisors" were focused on making a profit rather than helping their clients.

So, I took a leap of faith and started my own firm. Simplified Wealth is all about building strong relationships and taking a hands-on approach to problem-solving. I'm here to provide integrated solutions that are crafted just for you.

I'm a dad to an amazing little boy named AJ, and husband to my wonderfully patient wife Lina. She's from Colombia, and we love traveling back to her home country to indulge in all the delicious food and culture it has to offer.

We love getting back to Cincinnati to see family, hanging out at my parent's 50-acre farm in southern VA, catching some rays at Wrightsville beach, and eating endless arepas in Medellin, Colombia.

This is the most meaningful work I’ll ever be a part of. And I’m here because I stopped settling for less. You should try it too.


Simplified Wealth is not your average financial services firm. We pride ourselves on being true consultants, not salesmen. We're 100% independent, which means we're not handcuffed to selling proprietary products. Instead, we focus on building the best holistic strategies tailored just for you.

With our diverse experience and qualifications, we can help you navigate the different components of your financial plan, from investing to taxes, estate planning, and employer benefits. Our goal is simple: to deliver rock-solid professional solutions that genuinely and materially benefit you.

We focus on time-proven, traditional principles that lay the foundation for your financial strategy.

Founder’s Resume - Andrew Lippert

Andrew Lippert, a financial industry professional with over a decade of experience, has a diverse range of skills acquired through various roles at Fidelity Investments and Compass Financial Partners. He holds the CFP, CFA, and EA designations, and a masters degree in Investment Management & Financial Analysis from Creighton University.

During his time at Fidelity, Andrew gained valuable experience trading ETFs, stocks, mutual funds, and options. He also provided financial planning advice to individuals with various employer-sponsored plans and personal investment options. As a member of the Fixed Income (Bond) desk, he developed and implemented bond strategies with various types of debt securities. Additionally, Andrew was a research analyst with the Real Estate team, where he created regional economic and labor market analysis.

At Compass Financial Partners, he spent 2.5 years structuring employer-sponsored retirement plans for employees. In 2022, Andrew launched Simplified Wealth, a venture aimed at changing the financial industry.

Outside of work, Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, including his son and two pitbull rescues. He also likes hot yoga, dog walks, visiting Wrightsville Beach, and practicing Spanish in Medellin, Colombia (Lina’s hometown.)

Let’s get your financial life in order

© 2023 SimplifiedWealth
Information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any product or security. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed here.

The information being provided is strictly as a courtesy. When you link to any of the websites provided here, you are leaving this website. We make no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of the information provided at these websites.
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