How it Works

Simplify Your Financial World

SimplifiedWealth is your one-stop for all your financial needs. We provide a comprehensive solution that covers every aspect of your financial life. From the initial alignment check to creating a complete financial roadmap, we'll collaborate with you every step of the way in simple steps.

Initial Meeting

At SimplifiedWealth, we want to ensure that we are the right fit for your financial needs. That's why we always start with an initial meeting to get to know each other. During this meeting, we'll perform an alignment check to make sure our expertise and services align with your financial goals.

Discovery + Recommendations

To provide you with the best service, we need to understand your perspective. By working together, we'll discuss and review our proposed recommendations to ensure they align with your specific situation. Also, we will discuss formalizing of relationship, reviewing client agreements.

Get Organized + Kickoff

In this step, we'll work with you to collect any necessary information and set up your accounts while helping you to organize your finances once and for all. Together, we'll ensure that everything is synced and ready to go, kicking off your formal financial plan with ease.

Relax, Refine & Repeat

Relax! You now have a clearly defined financial roadmap that reflects your priorities and goals. As your needs change, we'll revisit and refine it annually (at least) to ensure that it remains aligned with your vision. And to ensure consistent progress towards your goals, we'll meet quarterly to implement recommendations using our "Lilypad Method."

Let’s get your financial life in order

© 2023 SimplifiedWealth
Information presented on this site is for informational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any product or security. Investments involve risk and unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed here.

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